XMM Ficathon 2006 Stories (by genre and pairing)
Cold Front by Apathy
Smoldering by Aldalindil
Vials of Ivory and Coloured Glass, Unstoppered by Alixtii Good morning Hell by Billystarpip
Farewell My Lady by Carnival Dance He Was Afraid by Crimson Keys Parental Influence by H.
Hope is a thing that whispers by Demoerin
Shortcuts and Bypasses (How to Get from There to Here with the Fewest Left Turns) by Jadeddiva Adventures in Wal-Mart Shopping, pt. 1 of the Xavier Chronicles. by Kalimando
Phoenix: Lovesong by Karabair The First Day of the Rest of His Life by Kathy
Against the Dying of the Light by Kaydee Falls
Conversations with Lady Lazarus by Lilacsigil Kinship Recognition by Liminalliz
Point of Departure by Mara Greengrass
Flirting With Objects by Mara Greengrass Learning to Stand Still by Molly
Go Home by Moowithme113
Rooted in Dishonor by Mur
Five Stages by NatalieJ So Here We Are, Once Again by Phiremangeston
Line in the Sand by Red Fiona Justice by Renata DANGER! by Roundegotrip
Like an Unnatural Dam by Sionnain Chirality by St. Aurafina
'Til I Wake and It's Real by Tommygirl
The Man on The Flying Trapeze by Troll Princess
Gambit, Declined by Wallace Echoes by Willowaus
... het
Comfort Zone by Ion Bond
As Breathing by Alianora
The Warmth on The Street by Bantha Fodder What Is This Feeling? by Jen
Infinite Highway by Lilacsigil
Sympathetic by Imadra Blue
Personal Space by JJ Taylor
The Key by Dilly R
After Alcatraz: The Acts of John “Pyro” Allerdyce by Lady Draherm Act Two, Scene Nineteen by Nekare
Orbicular by SullenSiren
Orbicular by SullenSiren John/Jamie
Soul on Fire by Sionnain
Iteration by Carla
untitled by Billystarpip
Grief Management by Anne Line
Earth and Sky by Tarchannon
Look After You by Moowithme113 Charles/Erik
Reach Out and Touch Someone by Artaxastra
Why Can't I ...? by Ethereal Vision The March of This Retreating World by Nestra
Possibilities are Endless by Oraclejenn
Mice by Penknife Charles/Logan
The Grieving Process by St. Aurafina
Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained by Kynical
Threat Level by Lonelywalker ...
femslash Kitty/Rogue
Figures of Speech by Aphrodite Mine
Oblivious by Said The Otter
…about the dead floating in the wind. by Sakura
XMM Ficathon 2004 stories
XMM Ficathon 2005 stories
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